
Breetai exedore robotech
Breetai exedore robotech

breetai exedore robotech

A situation that everybody knew could not have been allowed to continue – especially as they needed all the fertile farmland they could get right now as so much had been scorched into uselessness by the quantum fires of the Rain of Death. There it had laid leaking both gamma and hyper-ionic radiation from broken open sublight engine cores, radiation that had begun drifting towards both Cairo and the extremely fertile farmland of the Nile delta. This particular cruiser had come down over North Africa and as it came in had completely trashed the pyramids of Giza – the ancient Egyptian monuments, which had endured several millennia of Saharan sandstorms and countless generations of tomb raiders, being no match for a few million tons of super-strong alien alloy falling at hypersonic velocities – before ploughing into the rest of the Giza Plateau and ripping up the sandstone like it was water before coming to a dead halt. The cruiser and the others that had crashed had been at the edge of the blast area and while they had escaped utter obliteration they had still been disabled – the crew aboard this particular vessel killed – and far, far too many of them had fallen into the gravity well of the smouldering Earth. The cruiser in question like so many others having been caught up in the massive reflex weapon detonation that had not only obliterated the massive asteroid that had been converted into the Zentraedi's main fleet base but created a wave of supercharged particles and plasma that had annihilated the vast majority of the Zentraedi Main Fleet. They were here to remove a crashed Zentraedi warship – specifically a Thuverl Salan-class heavy cruiser – that had fallen to Earth in the aftermath of the Rain of Death and the battle with Dolza. The job in question was one that he, and many of his colleagues, was becoming quite familiar with. Finally, after several months of work they had almost finished the job that they had been sent out here – to the torn up remains of the Giza Plateau – to do. Story events begin towards the end of the two-year period between the Rain of Death and Khyron's uprising.Ĭolonel James Fawcett, formerly of the US Army Corps of Engineers now UEDF Army Core of Engineers, smiled as he carefully read through the latest report from the teams working outside the dense robotech alloy walls of the repurposed Zentraedi dropship that they had been using as a base for the last few months.

breetai exedore robotech

So, without further ado let's get cracking shall we.

#Breetai exedore robotech crack

I have wanted to do this story for quite a while, really since my last read through of Cyclone's sadly abandoned story Closer To Home and ultimately thought what the hell might as well have a crack at it. Thus, the Stargate, and its DHD, have remained undisturbed buried beneath the sands of Giza where they have remained – until now. In this reality like so many other men of his generation Professor Langford died in the trenches of the First World War. As a result, please keep the legal attack dogs – also known as lawyers – firmly muzzled and on a leash as I have no money to give to anyone.Īuthors Notes: This story is a Stargate/Robotech fusion story that is not in any way related to This Isn't Kansas and is instead set in a universe where the Stargate was never recovered from beneath the Giza Plateau in the late 1920's due to the fact that the expedition that found it was never mounted. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters and universes that I am about to mangle around and mash together for my own demented author amusement – sadly all Robotech and Stargate characters and concepts remain the property of Harmony Gold and MGM respectively – I am merely borrowing them and make absolutely no profit from their use.

Breetai exedore robotech